
I've always been one for thinking about small IT and related DIY projects. Don't always do them and those I do don't always happen as quickly as I would like and some don't turn out the way I want either. Even so, researching and planning for abortive projects does provide some satisfaction and can result in learning.

Some things have got out of hand. Whilst I do have increased enthusiasm for undertaking small projects, not kept either my garage or powered shed particularly tidy and in the latter case, maintained. There is no room to undertake projects.

I'm effectively prohibited from undertaking most of my projects in the house. Sure, software projects I can do anywhere but, at the moment, can only use the Windows dev (among other things) box intermittently. And that box needs some attention.

Getting the garage and shed themselves back into order are projects in themselves but they are necessary to enable to enable other projects. Garage is the priority as it is the largest workspace. When the weather is dry, some kinds of work can be done outside, but you can't depend on the weather in the UK.

I have loads of potential projects I could do.

I'm suffering from severe anxiety problems and the right project can have important therapeutic value if for no other reason than rewarding distraction activity.


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